10 servings


10 medium-large strawberries

3 ounces sweet or semi-sweet baking chocolate


1. Rinse strawberries quickly under cold running water, and dry gently with a paper towel.

2. If desired, gently slice off the hull (green leaves and stem) of the strawberry. Otherwise, leave on as decoration.

3. Set strawberries on a dish, loosely covered with plastic wrap in the refrigerator.

4. Place chocolate in a small metal bowl.

5. Bring a small pot of water to a boil, and place bowl of chocolate over the water.

6. Stir chocolate occasionally as it melts.

7. When chocolate is melted, remove bowl from heat.

8. Leaving an area uncoated at the stem end to hold the strawberry, dip each strawberry ¾ of the way into the chocolate.

9. Place strawberries on a cookie sheet lined with wax paper, and place in the refrigerator until chilled.

Variation: Other items that are good for chocolate dipping may include pretzels, raisins, graham crackers, bananas, or melon.